Behavior Matrix

Mann Elementary School: “MUSTANG MOTTO”
 the Behavior Matrix, was created from teacher and student input. The behavior matrix outlines the universal expectations for all students & how the 3 B's should look throughout the school (i.e. in the hallways, classroom, at recess, bathroom, etc...)

This is what good behavior looks like…
“Walk’n Right”
& Indoor Recess
“Peaceful Play”
“Quick, Quiet, & Clean”
Lunch Crunchers”
Assembly /Bus/ Field Trips
“Sit, Listen, Applaud”
Emergency Situations
“Calm, Cool, Collected”
Arrival & Dismissal
“Come & Go Conduct”

Be Respectful

1) Take turns

2) Use quiet voices

3) Be an appropriate listener

1) Silent voices

2) Personal space

3) Hands, feet, and objects to self

1) Use play equipment properly, take care of it, and return it

2) Listen to and follow directions

3) Hands, feet, and objects to self
1) Respect property

2) Hands, feet, and objects to self

1) Listen to and follow directions

2) Use quiet voices

3) Hands, feet, and objects to self

1) Listen to and follow directions

2) Use quiet voices

3) Hands, feet and objects to self

1) Listen

2) Wait patiently

3) Follow directions

1) Go directly to the assigned area and wait patiently

2) Listen to and follow directions

3) Hands, feet, and objects to self

Be Responsible

1) Do your personal best

2) Be honest

3) Keep our class clean
1) Keep it neat (single file walk)

2) Stay to the right

3) Keep our school clean
 1) Line-up when the bell rings

2) Be honest

3) Dress for the weather

1) Quick, quiet, clean

2) Flush, wash, trash

1) Pick up lunch card and turn it in

2) Clean up your area

3) Stay seated until dismissed

1) Listen, watch, and participate appropriately

2) Sit on your bottom with legs pretzel-style

3) Stay with your group

1) Stay calm

2) Be alert

3) Be quiet
1) Be on time

2) Come & go from the blacktop only

3) Have change of dismissal in writing

Be Compassionate
1) Use kind words

2) Share with others

3) Help others

4) Say please and thank you
1) Silent hello

2) Smiles

3) Let others pass

4) Say please and thank you
1) Take turns

2) Include others

3) Help others

4) Say please and thank you
1) Respect everyone’s privacy

2) Keep it quick

3) Say please and thank you
1) Use appropriate table manners

2) Include others and share lunch seats

3) Eat your own food

4) Say please and thank you
1) Take turns

2) Celebrate others and applaud appropriately

3) Turn in lost items to an adult

4) Say please and thank you
1) Take care of yourself first

2) Be ready to help others if asked

4) Say please and thank you
1) Include others

2) Greet others

3) Help others

4) Say please and thank you